The Winter Resident

Robin on a cold day in North Carolina

Winter Sighting, American Robin

A bird does not sing because it has an answer.  It sings because it has a song.  ~Chinese Proverb

I watched, as our recent winged visitor, a fat and sassy Robin, walked along the porch railing by the Holly tree.  Big white fluffy snowflakes were falling.   Everything was quiet, except for the beautiful bird songs, both of which I love.

The Robin didn’t seem to mind the snow.  I wasn’t surprised.  He (or she) has guarded the Holly tree and it’s cherished bright red berries since arriving a few weeks earlier.

Holly Berries

Note: I’m not experienced in identifying birds.  I made my best guess that the Robin pictured above is a male that has come to breed.

“Male robins arrive about the time that the average daily temperature is 37 degrees. (This fits the pattern of when the Robin arrived.  The bird also perches in a coniferous tree, with a clear view of the Holly berries).  “During cold or very wet weather, the males grow more silent and concentrate on feeding and taking shelter in thick conifer branches.”

Source: Journey North, American Robin (

The above listed site is full of interesting facts and information about the American Robin.  You can take part in, “Winter Sightings,” and learn their five vocalizations.  (Listen to the Robin’s song:

Worms, please...

A Warmer Day

The Robin has certainly made his presence known to all.  I am quite sure he has claimed, at least temporarily, complete rights to the Holly tree and its bountiful fruit. 

Several species of birds have made it to my porch rail by the Holly tree, but not for long.  The few that ventured into the branches, trying to get a mere berry or two, well…

Without delay, the Robin lashed forth, thrusting his body at theirs.  The birds took flight in haste!

One day, the Red-bellied Woodpecker that’s usually seen in the backyard, visited the Holly tree.  Something was up that day, because all of a sudden, several birds came at once to the tree.

The Robin watched this spectacle, waited for about a minute and swoosh!  He went first for the Woodpecker.   Amazingly to me, that big Woodpecker flew away after one jolt from the healthy Robin. 

The other birds followed the Woodpecker, returning to their backyard haven, safe from the large-breasted Winter resident.

The recent soft snow brought with it a few birds I haven’t seen this year.

Wintery Day

a cold snowy winter day

One of the new birds (below) came to the Holly tree and it did meet the resident Robin on the porch rail.  I don’t think it flew into the tree, but I was able to get a few photos before it left.

snow falls on new visitor

snow falls on new visitor

Winter Birds Visit in SnowI haven’t yet identified the pretty little bird (above).  Do you know the name of this winged visitor?

Thanks for your visit to Green Healing Notes!  Please feel free to comment.  

10 thoughts on “The Winter Resident

    • Dear Laurie,

      First note: Daylight Saving Time starts at 2am on the second Sunday in March. That, to me, is the beginning of the end of Winter! So, not too far away aye?

      Second note: Spring officially begins March 20th, so again, not too far away! 🙂

      Third note: I need it too!

      Love, Sister Michelle and Ruthie Mae

  1. I just love Robins and we have had one over winter keeping warm in a woodpile at the bottom of the garden.. We are hoping he is going to nest their this year… as for the other little bird its hard to say as you get so many different species than what we do.. But loved reading this post.. sending you some special thoughts my friend

    • Hi Sue! Well, I must say, I’ve never noticed Robins as much as I have this year. With our new bird-feeder, I’ve noticed many birds. I had no idea we had so many colorful winged friends in our own backyard. It is lovely!

      The Robin, as you know, doesn’t eat seeds, or if they do, it is rare I think. This one loves the berries! I can’t figure out if the one I see all the time is male or female. I think it is a male, but the female and a few others have arrived. Apparently, they’ve come to breed. I’ve seen them in the brush; I’m guessing to stay warm in small leaf and twig havens they’ve built on the ground. I’ve read where they do nest on the ground. Oh how exciting it will be if they nest in my yard!

      Sending you my love,

  2. Loved this post! The pictures were wonderful, and I listened to the Robin’s song, then Bootsie my cat jumped up on the bed and listened also. We both had a good time!

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