A Green Healing Garden Greeting

From the Sunflower Garden

Single Black Mammoth Sunflower Bloom

“The Sunflow’r, thinking ’twas for him foul shame
To nap by daylight, strove t’ excuse the blame;
It was not sleep that made him nod, he said,
But too great weight and largeness of his head.”
~ Abraham Cowley

Thanks for visiting Green Healing Notes!

9 thoughts on “A Green Healing Garden Greeting

  1. Michelle, what a beautiful bloom… I have set some Sunflower seeds too. they are about a foot in height at the moment, Definitely not in bloom yet.. Love your pictures of the different shades and blooms you have on your side panel..
    And with weather like we’ve had, It may be touch and go whether they will grow or get water-logged..
    But on the Up side.. the reservoirs are now Full.. and to say in May we had a hose-pipe ban.. with shortage of water.. How quickly things reverse.
    Sending you some Hugs your way. (( Hugs )) ~Sue xxxx

    • Hi Sue, Yes they are very nice. I almost went back today to see the new ones, but was tired on my way home. Such a long day… whew am I tired. I imagine either tomorrow or next day I’ll see many blooms! We planted more than planned after one garden didn’t make it. They will be the biggest flowers in the main area of the botanical gardens where many many people come to see plants, and all kinds of garden art.

      I love hearing your weather because I feel connected to you and your place, but I’m so sorry that the rain may water log your garden! You’re right about the water, seems like we can always use extra.

      Strange weather here too I think. It’s been over 100 some days. That’s just too hot. I bet we’ll have some hard thunder storms pretty soon. They are always worse after many days of high temperatures.

      Don’t you love this place where we can talk about the weather? I do. Reminds me of sitting on my grandma’s front porch. Weather was a very important subject.

      You are a delightful friend. I miss visiting your blog more often. My son and I are in transition moving, or rather looking for a place(s)… Limbo and unsure of the future is uncomfortable but today we met some awesome folks who are going to help us both. I’m very glad to have met them!

      They are a non-profit organization to help people get connected to services, hook them up with things like computer classes or whatever their interests, and help them locate housing. I needed help. I just can’t do all the things I do alone anymore. I should get paid 😉 then maybe I could go on vacation to the ocean.

      I guess I’ll stop here, lol, since I didn’t write in my blog post, maybe somebody will enjoy our comments/conversation.

      Big Hugs (((((4U)))))
      Love, Michelle.

      • Michelle, So good to hear you have connected with some people who are there to help you both out over your relocation . And laughing at people reading our conversations! 🙂 .. Weather is ALL important to us for crops to grow all over the world.. Here the Wheat crops have had a bashing with all that rain and floods so we shall expect flour to go up in price that affects Bread prices.. ALL important to every household..
        So yes Weather is ALL Important Michelle..
        And while many places have been getting Heat waves etc.. many have been having floods around the world too..
        Our whole planet is on the change .. Our Jet stream has moved lower and if it stays there it means also harsher winters.. And Europe especially in Poland last winter had record Low temperatures Which killed many as the temp’ plummeted..
        Sending you some good vibrations over the airways my friend and Good luck with everything..
        Remember.. Think a future and create it.. Manifesting really does work..
        Love and Light and keep smiling and laughing..it helps xxx Love Sue xxx

        • Sue, Hello my friend.

          The weather here is back to hot after some rain, but not quite as bad as last week, I guess. I remember only several years ago hearing about Duke scientists saying they had proof that the average temperature (I think it was for the entire US) is ten degrees hotter. These kind of environmental changes are scary. (I remember back in the day when I thought people who drank water from a bottle were only those on Star-Trek, but here we are doing it). I hope you’ve seen some sunshine since writing.

          Thanks for your well wishes, as always. I’m excited about the community empowerment organization. Sounds like they have some awesome programs in place. They also have a farm, which I only found out about last week.

          Note: I’m eating Cherry pie! Almost as good as strawberry, but not quite. I never did get a strawberry pie this year. Yum. It was really good. I think I’m quite sleepy now, but our big dog, Tiny, thinks he should lick my plate! He’s barking in my face.

          Well, between both dogs and one bowl, that was an event. Tiny loves licking bowls if he smells any hint of…food, but esp., likes ice cream and yogurt.

          I hope you get my note so you know I’m thinking of you. With Love and Big Hugs, Michelle xoxo

  2. The pictures are gorgeous! I grew some ornamental sunflowers, but the colors weren’t as spetacular as these.
    One year, when we had our big garden, we grew sunflowers with multi-flowers off the stem — one had over 15 blossoms (spelling?) blooming all at once on the same plant!
    Still working of the illuminating award — here is my “offical” thanks for awarding it to me. I have a list together, now to post, post, post, invite, invite, invite
    Thanks again for sharing your wonderful photos — think I’ll change my profile to one of our sunflower pictures!

    • PS — the previous comment is full of uncorrected typos! How sloppy of me; hope I haven’t distorted what I was trying to say too much. I’m tired from lack of sleep, think faster than I can type, and there are certain letters I transpose the way I do numbers. And, lately, my editorial eye has been lazy!
      Thanks again for sharing!

      • Phy, I just saw this comment and didn’t want you to think I ignored it. No worries, I love your comments just the way they are. My Dad always said as long as you get the message across that’s all that matters 😉 Love shines through your words, plus, I don’t see any typos, lol, so maybe my editorial eye is lazy too 😉 (Now I’m having a flashback and think I replied to this comment already. Boy, sleep is needed).

        Big Hugs to You, Love Michelle.

    • Hi Phylor, Thank you for taking the time to comment. I have a little writer’s block, I guess. The Sunflowers are so pretty they don’t need many words. I hope I
      have the name for this one correct because it looks more red than ‘black’ as the name suggest. My memory is poor lately and if I don’t recheck things I get a lot wrong.

      You are very welcome for the award! I hope you enjoy nominating bloggers too 🙂

      Thank you for sharing in my photo journey Phylor!

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